
Noah's Wife by T.K. Thorne
Noah's Wife by T.K. Thorne

I will begin by stating that if you come into this book looking for a story that adheres to the Biblical Noah you will be disappointed. Na'amah may be my favorite heroine this year. I do not have first-hand experience with Aspberger's so cannot gauge the accuracy of Na'amah's experiences, but watching her grow to handle her instincts because of her love of others was worthwhile. I was intrigued by the description of the places and mores of her tribe, and the results of her capture and return. The story follows her from childhood through the adulthood of her own sons. She is drawn with Aspberger's Syndrome, a savant of the local sheep and uneasy around most people despite her beauty. Damaged in the birth canal and killing her mother, the girl was lucky that her grandmother Savta fought for her life. Very little is actually known about Noah's wife, of course, but Na'amah of Thorne's imagination is a fascination. A first novel by local author ], the story is an exploration into the life of an unusual young woman. I have been blessed with some outstanding books in February, and even then, this one is a standout. Ron Golson, The Blount Countian Read more “.a novel of epic sweep, emotional power, and considerable beauty.” Sena Jeter Naslund, author of Ahab’s Wife Dianne Mooney, founder of Southern Living At HOME Snatches of ground appear between the cloven hooves-a succession of earth, grass, and rock obscured by the dark tangle of my hair-all I have to measure the growing distance from the life I have known. My mouth is parched and swollen with dried blood, and every step the animal takes sends a jolt of pain into my chest. But they did not, and I lie draped, belly down, across the back of an auroch, a large black ox with an eel stripe that runs down his spine and a stench worse than a rutting goat. If my captors had bothered to ask me, I would have told them that their prize is of questionable value because my mind is damaged. Perhaps that is why I am trundled atop this beast like a roll of hides for market and surrounded by grim-faced men. I am not always pleasant, but I am beautiful. My name, Na’amah, means pleasant or beautiful. Noah built an ark-but this story has never been told! Noah's wife is Na'amah, a young girl with what we now know as Asperger Syndrome, who only wishes to be a shepherdess on her beloved hills in ancient Turkey-a desire shattered by the hatred of her powerful brother, the love of two men, and a looming disaster that threatens her world.

Noah's Wife by T.K. Thorne